Our Life

The Sisters for the Church follow the Gospel as a way of life by individually and corporately responding in specific ways to its radical and unambiguous call.
Living alone or with others, they respond to the needs of the times in developing a new model of service to the Church by:

  • living the vowed life in the simplicity of poverty, without corporate property, supporting themselves and depending on God's providence; in the charity and mutual support engendered by celibacy; and in the mutuality of obedience.
  • serving the local church through various ministries - pastoral associates, teachers, social workers, retreat directors, directors of religious education, diocesan consultants, counselors - and through other ministries as they arise.
  • discerning goals and objectives through consensus that they may seek and follow the Will of God

The Sisters value Eucharist and Prayer as the primary source of their individual and communal growth in the Lord and share frequently the Word of God and the Bread of Life, as they live in the Spirit of hope.



